7 Ways You’re Wasting Energy (And Money!)

Energy is a very precious thing…especially when you’re paying for it in monthly utilities! You may be throwing dollars away every month and not even realize it. Today, we are going to share 7 ways you’re wasting energy in an attempt to help you save!

1. You’re Using The Wrong Bulbs

Compact Fluorescent (CF) light bulbs save $40 in energy costs in the bulb’s lifetime. If you aren’t currently using these bulbs, it may be time to start!

2. You’re Taking Your Time Picking A Snack

Did you know the average person spends 10.4 hours a year standing in front of an open refrigerator? That’s a lot of energy wasted…not to mention time! Be decisive in your snack-picking and place your most-used items in an easy to reach space.

3. You’re Sleeping With The TV On

Are you guilty of falling asleep with the TV on? You could be costing yourself about $55 per year! Instead, try setting your sleep timer on before you go to bed.

4. You’re Overcharging Your Electronics

When charging your electronic devices, unplug it once it reaches 100%. It’s not going to charge more than that anyways!

5. You’re Not Programming Your Thermostat

Keeping your thermostat at a steady temperature can be bad for your wallet. Programming your thermostat on a timer and adjusting it for while your home and away saves you around $180 every year! To find out more tips on this topic, take a look at our blog, Programming Your Thermostat.

6. You Leave Ceiling Fans On In Empty Rooms

It’s important to remember that ceiling fans cool people not rooms. Leaving ceiling fans on in empty rooms is a quick way to waste energy and rack up an expensive utility bill!

7. You Leave The Lights On

This one may seem obvious, but when exiting a room, remember to turn off any lights. You don’t use the light when you’re out of the room, but you will use the money you save with this tip!

Hopefully, bringing awareness to these 7 habits will help you be more conscious and save in utility expenses! For other helpful tips and tricks, follow our boards on Pinterest! And for any and all of your plumbing, HVAC, electrical, or home improvement needs, trust The Bosworth Company…we’re worth the call, always!